ACLS Instructor Renewal
In order to register for an ACLS Instructor Renewal Course, your Instructor card must be current. If it has expired, you must retake the ACLS Instructor course. If you do not see a course scheduled for the month in which your card expires, you must attend a course prior to your card expiration.
-You should have completed the Core Instructor Course (computer course) and submitted a copy of your Official AHA Completion Certificate.
-You should have been monitored teaching ACLS in the last 2 years and have a completed Instructor Monitor form in your file.
-You should have submitted documentation for all courses you have taught at. A minimum requirement of 4 courses in a 2 year period is required to maintain your Instructor status.
There are NO REFUNDS
The following courses will be held at the Health Education Stategies, LLC.
. Click on "Maps" to the left for directions.
Please call for information on our ACLS Renewal courses